William's home for discarded gems and concepts-in-progress.

Welcome to William Van Winkle's blog, home for everything from notes on his latest ebooks to leftovers from his articles in CPU, Tom's Hardware, Smart Computing, and other media outlets. Check out his author pages at Amazon and Smashwords!

Friday, March 25, 2011

And Now, Something Dark and Different

Up until now on this blog, nearly all you've seen from me is content about technology. Well, before wrote about computing, I wrote speculative fiction, which I enjoyed immensely. The trouble was that my very first paycheck from a computer magazine in 1996 paid 7.5X more than all of the income I'd ever generated from publishing fiction. Being young and not terribly bright, I followed the money. Thankfully, it's never too late to try and fix your past missteps.

I remember when the idea for "The Sound of Autumn Night" came to me. It was shortly after my dad had purchased seven acres and was enlisting manual labor from the family in setting up an alpaca farm. (Don't ask.) My uncle was married to this very smart and charming woman from Pakistan, and occasionally she would tell me stories about her life in that country. So there we were, out in the middle of a field, digging post holes, and she told me this Pakistani folktale about a guy who tries to court the woman of his dreams, but it all goes very, very badly for him. I stopped, stood up straight, and just stared at her as the story images started flashing through my head. The folktale itself was creepy, but I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I had to amp it up and make it mine. Now it's yours, to be found here on Smashwords...

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